Swimming with the Fishes

Monday is usually super chill ladies night around here. After the weekend I don’t usually feel like cooking and there are leftovers so those get repurposed. There are leftovers this week as well, but they will wait for Tuesday because a visit to H Mart resulted in some really nice salmon which obviously had to be eaten ASAP. This was honestly no more difficult than heating up or repurposing leftovers. Will be in the regular rotation (if I can make it to H Mart that is :)). all I did was cube up the salmon, marinate in dark soy sauce, mirin, sesame oil, and rice wine. I just did this to taste. Most advice says to marinate for four hours to overnight but that seemed like it might be over powering so I went for two. Topped with furikake it was delicious. I do have an overnight batch that I will report back on. I served it with forbidden rice and some sliced avocado and pickles and seaweed. So easy and so delicious.

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